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We follow three rules of Self-defense:

1. Use our words to deconflict a situation

2. Avoid conflict by removing ourselves from the location

3. When rules 1 & 2 fail, be prepared to defend oneself through defense and counter-offense


 We have a Motto for our Karate System:

 "I Train in Martial Arts for Self-Defense, to Protect Myself, My Family, and My Friends, Only"


We follow the 7-5-3 Code


The 7-5-3 Code is an adaptation from the Bushido Code that allows for the enjoyment of a more balanced life, including physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally.


Each part of the 7-5-3 code has a distinct ethos (or characteristic way of being and doing), and they include:


7 Warrior Virtues

5 Keys to Health

3 States of Mind



7 Warrior Virtues


The Seven Warrior Virtues help guide our interactions with others. With these virtues in mind, we strive to do right by others and ourselves, not allowing our training to falsely inflate our ego, sense of power, or self-importance.


The Seven Warrior Virtues are:


  • Honor - The quality of knowing and doing what is morally right.

  • Courage - The ability to do something that is frightening; bravery.

  • Honesty - The absence of pretense, deceit, or hypocrisy.

  • Loyalty - Strong support or allegiance.

  • Rectitude - Morally correct behavior or thinking; righteousness.

  • Politeness - Behavior that is respectful and considerate of other people.

  • Benevolence - The quality of being well-meaning; kindness.



5 Keys to Health


The Five Keys to Health assist us in ensuring that we are at our most physically fit, so our training does not suffer and so that we are prepared when needed.


The Five Keys are:


  • Manage Stress

  • Rational Nutrition

  • Sensible Exercise

  • Positive Attitude

  • Proper Hygiene (both mental and physical)



3 States of Mind


The Three States of Mind guide our inner relationship, so that we will think with clear mindedness and wisdom.


The Three States of Mind are:


  • Alertness 

  • Clear Mind

  • Indomitable


Together, the elements of the 7-5-3 Code create a well-balanced life while maintaining the preparedness and readiness for anything that life may present to us.




The Bushido code is a code of honor that defined a way of life for the Samurai. The code is still utilized today.


Bushido stems from the words “Bushi” meaning “warrior”, and “Do” meaning “the way”.


As in any core value system, like the Bushido Code, it should define how we live and lead (both in our careers and in our personal lives).


The code consists of seven virtues of bushido and include the following:



This means justice and fairness in each dealing with other people. It means making good on your dealings with other people. To do so means considering the factors at play in dealing with those around you.


A follower of the bushido code is a self-controlled leader who will abstain from things and privileges which will derail their credibility.


Strong leaders, like strong samurai, will carry themselves with the utmost integrity, never wavering or compromising that which is right.


Rei: Proper behavior; courtesy; respect.

Rei includes the politeness and value one gives to others. Extending courtesy in that other lives are valued highly and the responsibility you have to honor those who were before you (elders/leadership) and train up those who are behind you (children/next generation of leaders).


Bushido leaders know that respect is gained through their consistent, respectful dealings with people, and not through the projection of outward strength.


Yu: Valor; bravery; tinged with heroism; heroic courage.

Never waver in the face of fear nor in the face of compromise. Hold fast to Bushido code principles.


Heroic courage is not a bravery to bend or break rules, but a courage to stand for them in the face of fear. It is also the courage to deny inner temptation that will compromise the Bushido Code, which compromises those around oneself.


Leaders with heroic courage know how to stand up even to the enemy within themselves.


Meiyo: Honor and glory.

Having a good name in holding to principles, but also in a higher degree of respect for others as well. Having a dignity of worthiness in your work, your cause, and your purpose.


The truly authentic leader exemplifies this code by being transparent and consistent in public and in private.


Jin: Benevolence toward mankind; universal love; compassion.

Benevolence. Showing mercy by having an attitude of generosity, of sympathy, and forgiveness.


Compassion serves others, even to the discomfort of self. These leaders go out of their way to serve, and do not hide themselves within their own cares. They help others at every opportunity.


Makoto: Utter sincerity, honesty, and truthfulness.

More closely defined as honesty. It is having a veracity, a truthfulness, to everything you say and do. Your word is your bond, and that bond will never be broken.


In an age where written contracts and even handshakes are marginalized, leaders who follow the Bushido Code are renowned for their commitment to their word.


Chugi: Devotion, faith, duty, and loyalty.

Chugi includes not just to self or the cause, but loyalty to others, law and order, society, and family. Exhibiting a personal fidelity to others through other codes such as respect (Rei), sincerity (Makoto), and honor (Meiyo).


The leader who knows their duty to others will exhibit a fierce loyalty, whether to self, to faith, to family, to company, or to a nation. They take responsibility for their decisions, actions, and consequences.​

Our Mission Statement: We create the capability to deal with anything life may bring. We believe in life, success, and good health. We believe students that learn the 7-5-3 philosophy through self-defense training gain the perseverance to overcome any challenge in life, while strengthening the body, mind, and spirit. Our Academy is a supportive and inclusive environment, where we provide the                                                                  




We're conveniently located between Fountain Hills, AZ and East Scottsdale near Frank Llyod Wright Blvd and Desert Mountain.

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7-5-3 Academy

14835 E Shea Blvd, Suite C104

Fountain Hills, AZ 85268, USA





(480) 219-9253

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